Intro To Web Publishing 101 Workshop Dec 8th, 6pm

This is a general class for learning how to do web publishing for all skill levels. Absolute beginners will get a crash course in creating a simple website, and more advanced developers can expect help with writing javascript, css problems, or anything related to web technology.

Meetup Link:

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CT Hackerspace hosts ‘Scaling Up with CircuitPython’ FREE Workshop Thursday 11/15

Scaling Up with CircuitPython Workshop Thursday, November 15, 2018

Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the hobbyist community. It is easy to learn and has strong community support. It is used for a variety of tasks from AI to server administration and now even to run microcontrollers.

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CTH Presents Extra Special Processing with the ESP8266 Workshop 10/11 at 7pm

Want a cheap and easy way to get WiFi or Bluetooth into your project? Take a look at the ESP8266 and ESP32 modules. Both come on boards that are very inexpensive and can be programmed through the Arduino IDE. These modules can be found all over the internet in various form factors and it can be confusing which to use.

Arduino Pi and Microcontrollers Workshop

October 11, 2018 7PM

We will attempt to clear up some of the mystery of the module and dig into the capabilities of it. There will also be a review of different boards that the module is available on and look at the differences between them. Finally, we will run some demo projects to demonstrate the capabilities.

You can find these boards on Adafruit, Sparkfun, Amazon, and eBay. So if you would like to play along during the presentation, order them from one of the links below and bring your computer with the Arduino IDE installed and we will walk through getting set up.





CT Hackerspace Class 10/20: Introduction to Web Publishing – 1: HTML

Take the leap from being a consumer of the World Wide Web to a Contributor! Create your first Web page with this simple guide to understanding HTML.  This class will be a first of series to understanding web page fundamentals that will introduce you to the world of web publishing. In this first class, you will learn what HTML is and how to define a text document as a Web page to get you on your way.

Bring your PC / Laptop to class. The class will start with discussions about the World Wide Web and getting organized, and then start building a and understanding by writing your first web page. After covering the basics, Instructor Joshua Tenner will base on the use style sheets to control look and feel of your pages as well as the power of JavaScript used in many everyday pages.  (Future classes will cover these topics in greater detail.) Class Cost $10.

Meetup Link: